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原创MYP Field Trip to the Zhongshan Warship Museum 外籍中学户外研学 当前焦点

时间: 2023-06-05 11:50:51 来源: 互联网


On Wednesday, May 17th the international secondary students visited the Zhongshan Warship Museumin Jiangxia district. This museum presents a significant moment of local, national, and international history, which happened less than 20 minutes" drive away from the school campus.



The purpose of the Individuals and Societies course this year for every grade has been to emphasize the concept of ‘time, place and space’. By that I mean students need to understand where we are at this moment in terms of time, place, and space.


Also coupled with this is the need for students to understand that they are living in a place that has experienced a lot of historical moments on a local, national, and international scale. The Warship Museum, therefore, seemed like a good place to show that local, national, and international history has occurred so close to campus.


Students had a series of tasks to complete while at the museum and this was presented to them in the form of a menu. They could choose art or math, and English language or literature. Along with two other English-related assignments.



Field Trip Menu

The photo leftshows the task details for different disciplines.


The overall point was to show that the Individuals and Societies links to every other subject, it is all done in English, but it can be about a topic that is almost completely Chinese in nature. As students receive a holistic educationat ISA Wuhan this is a very important aspect that should be encouraged by every subject. There are links to be made everywhere, just sometimes students need to be shown them.


Holistic Education


Throughout the trip, students got to work together, and it was good to see bonds being formed across the different grades too. As they interviewed the other visitors to the museum, or they collaborated on poetry.


The older students helped the younger students, and they took the opportunity to enjoy being out of the classroom for the morning. In addition, as much as I value the importance of digital literacy and 21st-century skills, I equally understand the importance of students not ruining their eyesight by staring at screens every minute they are awake. Life is all about trying to find a balance, and I think this was a good screen break for them.


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Academically they saw a piece of relatively recent history up close, and they got to see what people just a few generations removed from them experienced. The museum showed that in a very accessible way that presented what had happened in both English and Chinese and isa very understandable light. They now know a little bit more about the place they live in.


* Students work from the field trip

* 参观结束后学生完成的作业

The secondary school will continue to have different field trips in the future. When it comes to Individuals and Societies Wuhan and Hubei have a rich history it will be easy for students to go and see a number of different culturally and historically relevant places.

在未来,武汉爱莎外籍人员子女学校中学部将继续举办不同的实地考察活动。 涉及到个人和社会,武汉和湖北省有着丰富的历史,学生们很容易就能去到一些具有文化和历史意义的地方参观。

ISA 「Eyepetizer」





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